Arts in Jetlag – Floating in the Buffering

Have you ever experienced jet lag? How did you feel and overcome it?  Arts in Jetlag is curated by  Yves Chun-Ta Chiu and Co-curated by  Post-MuseumIf. If “jet lag” is not only a physical experience triggered by long-distance movement but also a matter of mental, spiritual, social, and cultural rupture, which leads to ideological conflicts, splitting of self-identity, and various hallucinations, then how can we explore this unique situation, gap and in-between state to open up our thoughts on the so-called first and last, fast and slow, progress and lag, synchronization and late in the context of globalization, post-colonialism and the South?
“arts in jetlag” is a long-term research and exhibition project developed by Yves Chun-Ta Chiu during his residency at the Cité internationale des arts Art in Paris in 2019. Out of his interest in cultural hybridity and social relations patterns, Yves invited visual artists, performing artists, researchers and curators from Taiwan, Bulgaria, Australia, Israel, Austria, Malaysia, India and other countries to participate in this event, which started at 3:00 a.m. Through late-night city tours, film screening, art practices presentation and forum, we explore jetlag issues in body, spirit and culture dimensions with a temporary and intimate relationship.
“Floating in the Buffering” is a continuation of “arts in jetlag”, a collaboration with the Post-Museum and Stamford Art Center in Singapore, inviting artists from Taiwan, Singapore ,Japan and Korea to present their artworks through a performative Jetlag Symposium, in order to continue to develop the exploration of the post-colonialism in Asia and how the buffering created by jetlag can lead to reflection and return, and become an opportunity to draw out the possible futures

The event is finished.


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