What is it like to Live the Expat Life?

Life as an expat has its ups and downs, and not everyone is cut out for it. If you are a creature of habit who craves control, reassuring routines such as going out every Saturday with your childhood friends…maybe it isn’t for you. If you enjoy learning about new cultures, gaining international professional experience, learning a foreign language, being a part of an international community, being challenged, and challenging your habits, lifestyle, and thinking, you should pack your bags right now!
However, DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE IT. Moving overseas is difficult, complicated, and unnerving, especially if you do so alone. Don’t worry; diving into (cold) water may be shocking at first, but your body will quickly adjust. And you’ll have a good time. You’ll uncover a revitalized (your)self after meandering through jumbled feelings. The new environment separated you from the influences and pressures of your family, friends, social, cultural, or national setting. You begin to discover yourself as an individual rather than as a member of a group: it’s really liberating, and you feel more in charge of your identity. Being an expat provides you the rush of feeling liberated, autonomous, self-aware, adaptable, and adventurous.
So, you’re a different person now than you were before you became an expat. You’d undoubtedly suffer what’s known as reverse culture shock: you’d be ecstatic at first to see old friends, speak your original language, and rediscover familiar sites.